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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


23 maggio 2023

The educational avant-garde movement with UNICEF for the UPSHIFT inclusion project

The UPSHIFT project Growing what a feat! An innovative model for the development of 21st century skills, guidance, and social inclusion of disadvantaged young people.

What is UPSHIFT?

INDIRE participates with Avanguardie educative in the experimentation of the “UPSHIFT” programme organized by UNICEF in partnership with Junior Achievement Italia which promotes at national level the social inclusion of young Italians, migrants, and refugees in situations of socio-economic disadvantage through experiences focused on education, entrepreneurship and guidance.

“UPSHIFT” is aimed at empowering adolescents and young people through the acquisition of 21st century skills – teamwork, communication, collaboration and negotiation skills, initiative, and creativity – useful in the choice of study paths and in the transition from school to work. The programme responds to the need to make all boys and girls, especially the most vulnerable, prime agents of change.

Launched in Italy by UNICEF in October 2018, to date it has been tested and validated in over 40 countries and its innovative approach is identified as one of the models recommended by the global partnership Generation Unlimited.

The programme is in synergy with the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Pathways align with the objectives of the European Commission’s New European Agenda for Skills as well as the European frameworks for personal, social and learning to learn skills (LifeComp), and entrepreneurship (EntreComp) and sustainability skills (Green Comp). Since 2020, UPSHIFT has been among the models being tested in the framework of phase III of the European Child Guarantee, the European guaranteed system for vulnerable children aimed at preventing and combating child poverty and social exclusion, adopted by the European Parliament in June 2021.