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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


26 maggio 2023

Sustainability education with the Whole School Approach to be discussed on May 30 in Florence

As part of the 2023 Sustainable Development Festival, the Whole School Approach seminar for education in sustainable development will be held on Tuesday 30 May at the University of Florence, a session of study and reflection on the Erasmus+ project “ESD_SuperVision 4.0” (timetable: 2pm-4pm, via Laura 48, Room 101).

The seminar intends to promote an awareness-raising action on the Whole School Approach (WSA) and on the skills for education for sustainable development understood as quality education, an essential element for the creation of more equitable and sustainable communities (target 4.7 of Goal 4 of the Agenda 2030).

The “ESD_SuperVision 4.0” project aims to stimulate and support the process of change within the school through the development of tools capable of integrating sustainability education into the curriculum.  The Whole School Approach is a method that brings the theme of sustainability into the classroom through a series of collective actions, carried out within the school and between the school and the community. It is designed to involve and make interact with each other all dimensions of sustainability: educational, cultural, social, and environmental.

Among others, the seminar will be attended by INDIRE’s research manager Maria Chiara Pettenati with a contribution on “Target 4.7 in Italy; Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship”.


The works can be followed both in streaming and in-person, upon registration.


For information: info@scienzasostenibilita.org


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Follow the event in streaming (30/5 at 2pm) >>