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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

Exhibition: Borders. The adventure of education in peripheral areas

Photo thematic exhibition, curated by: Pamela Giorgi, Irene Zoppi

Promoters and organizers:

National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research – INDIRE

Graphics by: Paolo Curina with the collaboration of Martina Trevisani


The exhibition highlights, through the chosen photographic shots, some of the many aspects of the historical excursus of what we now call “small schools”, without claiming to be exhaustive. These schools had their antecedents in the strongholds of mass schooling disseminated in all the most remote areas of the country, starting from the post-unification period. The places, environments and people portrayed, inevitably lead us to reflect not only on a relevant segment of the history of education and educational institutions, but also on the profound anthropological, cultural, social, economic and territorial transformations that invested Italy in over a century and a half of its life as a unified nation.

The images come for the most part from a much larger photographic archive, that of the National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE), consisting of over 14 thousand images of the Italian school system, covering the period between the end of the 19th century and early 70s of the 20th Century.

The exhibition can be requested to be repeated by writing to piccolescuole@indire.it


Technical sheet and preview >>


Exhibition catalogue

Confini. L’avventura dell’istruzione in territori periferici, P. Giorgi, I. Zoppi (a cura di), catalogo dell’omonima mostra (Roma, Auditorium Parco della Musica, 2-8 dicembre 2019), Firenze, Indire, 2019.

Browse the online catalogue >>

Related virtual exhibition:  http://mostrevirtuali.indire.it/mostra/confini/


Info e contatti

INDIRE, via M. Buonarroti 10 - 50122 Firenze

Telefono: 055.2380301

Email: archiviostorico@indire.it

Visite su appuntamento: dal lunedì al venerdì ore 8.00-13.00 ; 14.00–17.00