National School Museum 1941
The 1941 National School Museum Project has been included in the upgrading of the historical legacy kept at INDIRE. Thousands of documents relating to the world of school and education are now available for consultation in multimedia formats.
This is a virtual display of the National School Museum as it was when it opened in the new Palazzo Gerini HQ in 1941.
You can visit the virtual museum here:
Indire’s historical archive keeps a rich and quite particular 19th-20th century documentary legacy which makes it one of the few archives in Italy specialising in the collection and valorisation of documentary material of historical/educational interest.
As a result of the numerous institutional transformations that have taken place over eighty years of uninterrupted work, the Institute’s historical archive has some gaps. The documentation relating to the work of its institutional antecedents (i.e., the National School Museum, the National Teaching Museum, the Centre for Teaching Studies and Documentation, and the Library for Pedagogical Documentation) was mostly lost in the wake of the 1966 flood, and also because of a thoughtless decision when clearing out the archive.
Nevertheless, Indire preserves documentary legacy of great historical importance, consisting of reserves outside the Institute’s sphere of interest, but closely connected to the pedagogical matters that distinguish it.
Virtual museum videos
Vintage films from Istituto Luce
Info e contatti
INDIRE, via M. Buonarroti 10 - 50122 Firenze
Telefono: 055.2380301
Visite su appuntamento: dal lunedì al venerdì ore 8.00-13.00 ; 14.00–17.00