The institute
Head Office
Since 1925, INDIRE has had its headquarters in Florence at Palazzo Gerini. The Palazzo is home to the Executive Board, the Directorate General, and the Institute’s Board of Directors, as well as administrative and financial offices, research areas and IT departments. The Florentine HQ works closely with the regional units, which are entrusted with managing local research projects, and is the reference and coordination point for all of the Institute’s activities.
The headquarters of the National Erasmus+ Agency including the national eTwinning, Epale and Italian Eurydice units, and the Communication Office (See contacts) is based in the north part of Florence.
Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 10 – 50122 Firenze (Florence)
PBX: +39 055 2380 301
fax: +39 055 2380 395
PEC certified email: