Civic Education and Reconnection with Nature
Scientific research shows that nature is a valuable ally in educational processes. Nature encourages motivation, attention and well-being of students and of the entire school community. However, for many students, contact with nature has become essentially virtual.
The vision of this research, together with that of the scientific partner, is to state that it is the school’s job to reconnect students with nature. The pilot project launched in the school year 2020/2021 “Civic education with nature” gives us some indication of the need to proceed in this direction and test the “reconnection with nature” method of the Université dans la nature (UdN) . Together with our scientific partner we agree on the epistemological foundations that it is necessary to put nature and the positive relationship with it, even before the one with the environment, among the priorities of sustainable education in the field of civic education, especially for the youngest students.
- The goal is to verify the effectiveness of the method of “reconnection with nature” developed by Université dans la nature (UdN) in the field of civic education and in particular in education for sustainable development.
- The second objective is to verify how environmental and civic education issues are currently being transmitted and received. The analysis will be carried out with the measurement of the presence of any echo anxiety with an international questionnaire on the detection of this new pathology (Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (Florence) and L’Université dans la Nature (UdN).
- Consequently to the results achieved by objectives 1 and 2, the third objective is to propose the method among the proposals which are part of the monitoring envisaged by Law no. 92 of 2009, thus encompassing the inclusion of the emphasis on the relationship between man and nature within the fundamental issues of civic education in Italy, and in the context of the more general “School Regeneration” programme, and in harmony with the priorities that Europe has set itself with the Green Deal, in order to place greater emphasis on Nature Based Solutions (NBS).
Research questions
The proposed “reconnection to nature” activities follow the model developed by the Université dans la Natura (UdN) and lead students to perceive their relationship with nature differently and thereby be motivated to protect it. Are So far, the lessons given to students in the field of sustainable education useful for forming aware citizens?
What was the impact of this teaching on the mental health of students? Is it useful to develop a new sustainability education proposal more focused on the relationship with nature rather than with the environment and if so, is it useful to propose it as part of the monitoring period required by law?