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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana
Didattica laboratoriale e innovazione del curricolo nell’Area artistico-espressiva

Creative Practices 0-6

Ambito: Ricerca endogena

The debate on the relationship between creativity and childhood is, today, quite lively and far from a shared solution (Leggett, 2017).

The research project, “Creative Practices 0-6”, has the following objectives:

  • OB1: To explore the meaning of the term creativity within the developmental range 0-6.
  • OB2: To define possible documentation formats for educational practices related to creativity.
  • OB3: To explore creative educational practices at nurseries and infant schools.
  • OB4: To identify and share best practices on creativity for the range considered.

Research questions

  • Q1: What definition of creativity can account for the peculiarities and stages of development of pre-school children?
  • Q2: Through what methods can the creative practices employed in 0-6 services be documented?
  • Q3: What are the most common types of educational practices in Italy with regard to supporting the creative processes of pre-school children?
  • Q4: What are the possible indicators of good practice in the creative field for the age considered?

The purpose of the research

The research questions are intended to have an impact on the quality of the educational experience in the field of creativity offered in 0-6 educational contexts, by explaining the concept of creativity and by sharing best practices.


  • Direct: Educators at Early Childhood Educational Services and early childhood school teachers.
  • Indirect: Ministry of Education, USR [Ufficio Scolastico Regionale – Regional School Department], Municipalities, Associations, Territorial laboratories.