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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

Epale Journal

The magazine was born from the collaboration between the Indire’s EPALE Italian Unit and the Ruiap, the Italian University Network for Lifelong Learning, with the aim of proposing a six-month selection of academic articles and book reviews on adult education, giving each time prominence to a specific theme of national interest.

Epale Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education is Open Access in digital and paper format, is based on double blind refereeing and welcomes theoretical contributions and field experiences.

Six-month issue also available in English version.

Scientific direction: Vanna Boffo and Laura Formenti
Scientific direction (2017-2018): Vanna Boffo and Mauro Palumbo

ISSN: 2532-7801 (online) – Italian edition
ISSN: 2532-8956 (online) – English edition

Scientific journal for Area 11 (pursuant to the ANVUR Regulation approved by the Governing Board Resolution no. 42 of 20/2/2019).


Last issues


N. 7-8, June-December 2020

Lifelong learning, professional skills and participation.
Edited by Vanna Boffo


EPALE Journal_7-8-IT-ISSN_2532-7801

en flag [forthcoming English version available]

N. 6, December 2019

Innovative learning and socio-cultural inclusion of migrant adults.
Edited by Vanna Boffo

EPALE Journal_6-IT-ISSN_2532-7801

en flag [forthcoming English version available]

INDIRE – National Institute of Documentation and Educational Research is the oldest research institution of the Ministry of Education. Since its inception in 1925, the Institute has accompanied the evolution of the Italian school system by investing in training and innovation and supporting school improvement processes.

EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe is the new multilingual online community for professionals in the adult learning sector, designed to improve the quality of the adult learning offer in Europe (Visit the platform). The EPALE Italy National Unit manages the activities of the EU programme on behalf of the Ministry of Education and is based at Indire with headquarters at the Indire’s Erasmus + Agency. Contacts: epale@indire.it

RUIAP – Italian University Network for Lifelong Learning brings together 31 Italian universities, and some organizations and professionals, engaged in the promotion of lifelong learning, http://www.ruiap.it.