INDIRE is the National Agency for Erasmus+ , the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for 2021-2027.
Erasmus+ offers the chance to study, train, teach, and do apprenticeships or volunteer work abroad. It also gives the opportunity to organise cooperation between education and training institutions throughout Europe. Moreover, it intensifies collaboration between the world of work and that of education in order to tackle the real development needs of human resources and social capital, in and outside Europe.
The Erasmus+ Agency works in coordination with the European Commission, the DG for Education and Culture and the MIUR, along with the national agencies of the 33 countries taking part in the programme , in the following fields: scholastic education, adult education and higher/university education, a sector that takes in Universities, Higher Artistic and Musical Education, Linguistic Mediation Schools, and Higher Technical Institutes.
Italy has always been one of the countries with the highest level of participation in the programme. Since 1987, over 350 thousand university students have been making use of Erasmus mobility scholarships for study or apprenticeships. Since 2007 around 100 thousand teachers and students have had the chance to move all over Europe.
The Agency received official recognition for the effectiveness of its work in over 20 years of commitment to the creation of European programmes (Socrates, the Lifelong Learning Programme, and Erasmus+), thanks to its quality management of the measures within its field, and its ability to distribute in full the European funds allocated to Italy.
In 2015, the Agency used 93.7 million Euro to sustain the programme’s decentralised activities, primarily, the Learning Mobility of Individuals (KA1), a symbolic action of the programme hinging on the mobility of students of the 3 university levels. Thanks to Erasmus+ the program ventured beyond the borders of Europe to open up to the whole world. In addition, it offers training opportunities and participation in job shadowing for all teaching, administrative and technical staff working in schools, universities and in adult education.
The Agency also directly manages cooperation projects for innovation and the exchange of good practices (KA2), strategic partnerships between schools, higher education institutions, and public and private organisations involved in the education, training and youth sectors, that seek to foster the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices at organisational/institutional, local, regional, national and European levels.
The Indire’s National Erasmus+ Agency is also home to the Italian Eurydice Unit (a network of information on education in Europe), the National eTwinning Unit, operational since 2005 with a platform for electronic twinning between schools, and since 2015, the EPALE Unit, the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning, launched by the European Commission in May 2015.
What does the INDIRE’s Italian National Erasmus+ Agency offer?
- In-training and consultancy on the Programme
- Guidance in searching for partners
- Consultation in the application phase
- Assessment and selection of candidates (with external specialists)
- Assistance for institutions receiving financing throughout the project life cycle
- Quality monitoring plus administrative, procedural and financial control of approved projects
- Organisation of training events and information
- Support in the valorisation and dissemination of experiences
- Relations with the media regarding information on the Programme, and dissemination of experiences.