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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

GPU – Joint Programming Management System 2014-2020

Loghi PON 2014-2020 (fse-fesr) corto

Project Code: 4.1.4A- ESFNOP-2015-2
PUI: B55I15000470007
Axis IV: “Technical assistance ”
SO: 4.1″Improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of funded interventions and consequent verification and control of the same”


The GIES project – Management of Interventions on School Buildings – is a tool for monitoring and documentation of all school construction projects financed by the Ministry of Education through the European Structural Funds since 2014.

GIES is a project carried out under Axis III – “Strengthening institutional capacity and promoting an efficient public administration 2014-2020” and responds to the objective of increasing transparency, interoperability and access to public data. It is an effective e-governance tool that accompanies institutions in the implementation of building renovation projects and construction of new school buildings, and allows integrated documentation and financial management of interventions. It is a flexible management tool able to adapt to different governance methods and different funding channels that contribute to the renovation of the school buildings of the country.

GIES is also an online environment (http://gies.indire.it) with a searchable database that, through graphs and tables, translates the data collected into information, which are useful for reading and observing phenomena related to the evolution of the heritage of school buildings. The online environment includes also a section for e-learning to support the project managers in the management of documents and finances for the reporting in the GIES system. Moreover, GIES provides project managers with online training modules on administrative procedures linked to school buildings and on the new Public procurement Code. Thanks to this environment, the various public institutions responsible for the governance and financing of school buildings (local authorities, Regions, Ministries and Investment Banks) can know the details of the works undertaken on the buildings.

Currently about 5,000 interventions on schools are monitored.

The GIES system addresses not only the need to document all the phases of administrative and financial processes relating to school constructions on the entire national territory, but also increase transparency, interoperability with data banks, regarding school building and access to public data from the National Register of school buildings.

With the website www.scuoleinnovative.it, the project supported the issuing of the call for proposals for “Innovative schools” referred to in the ministerial decree no. 860 of 03/11/15.

Thanks to the skills of Indire’s researchers and trainers and the possibility of accessing numerous data on school constructions, the GIES platform can be a useful tool for policy makers to encourage the innovation process of teaching and learning environments in Italian schools.

GPU (Gestione della Programmazione Unitaria) – Joint Programming Management System 2014-2020

Project Code: 4.1.4A- ESFNOP-2015-2
Axis IV: “Technical assistance “

SO: 4.1″Improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of funded interventions and consequent verification and control of the same”

The Joint Programming Management System (GPU in Italian) 2014 -2020 is the online system for the management, monitoring and documentation of the activities of the NOP for school 2014 – 2020. It is a complex system encompassing frameworks and procedures for activities aimed at analysis, planning, implementation and control for the enhancement, at different levels – of the NOP 2014 – 2020 “For school – Skills and learning environments”.

GPU 2014-2020 is the result of research action started in 2005; during the last two years of the National Operational Programme 2000-2006, a prototype was experimented and systemised in the successive programme cycle 2007-2013. During these seven years, when the region of the convergence regions’ objective (Calabria, Campania, Apulia and Sicily) have also been involved, more than 30.000 ERDF projects – for the purchase of technologies, the purchase or finishing of laboratories for the requalification of school buildings, and more than 60.000 ESF projects for a total of about 200.000 training paths – were managed. More than 2.357.000 people, including students, school staff and adults for a total number of about 4.600.000, were registered in the system to take part in the programme interventions.

For the NOP “for schools 2014-2020 competences and learning environments” addressed to all the national territory, a new version of the system was created to enrich and enhance GPU in the Governance and monitoring of the programme.

Through pre-set formats, GPU 2014 -2020 allows structured collection of data and guides the parties involved in the completion of the procedure required by the programme, guaranteeing high standards of transparency, communication and shareability. The system also supports the interpretation and translation of data into useful information for reading and observing phenomena. As a sharing tool, which allows working together according to specific responsibilities, GPU 2014-2020 enhances the contribution that each person involved in the Program can make to the implementation of training and infrastructural interventions or to the governance of management and improvement processes.

GPU 2014-2020 has been designed to achieve various objectives:

• to make available a system that contains specific functions for recording, storing and verifying data; for the governance of the Programme; for monitoring the actions carried out; for the communication of the Programme; to support control activities and process management and, finally, to manage training;

• to elaborate ongoing monitoring reports;

• to carry out ex-post research surveys;

• to provide technical assistance and advice for participation in the Programme both online and locally;

• to encourage the communication of results and ongoing activities and support the publicity and socialization actions activated by the beneficiaries.