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GPU Training


Progetto di formazione del personale scolastico sulla progettazione e gestione degli interventi finanziati con il PON per la Scuola 2014-2020
Codice progetto: 11.3.3A-FSEPON-INDIRE-2018-1

Asse III “Capacità Istituzionale e amministrativa (FSE)”
Obiettivo specifico:  11.3 Miglioramento delle prestazioni della Pubblica Amministrazione


The online training course “Planning and management of interventions financed with the NOP for schools 2014-2020″ (GPU TRAINING) was created by the will of the Ministry of Education – Directorate General for interventions in the field of school construction, for the management of structural funds for education and digital innovation and is made by Indire.

The training activities started in July 2019 and will end in December 2020.

The reasons for the project

The NOP for Schools 2014-2020 intervenes on combating early school leaving; improving the quality of the education system and the attractiveness of schools, through the enhancement of learning environments, support for the dissemination of specific skills, and for school innovation and digitalization processes. It also provides for the implementation of interventions to strengthen institutional capacity, aimed at improving the overall governance of the education and training sector and therefore to perform an instrumental function in achieving the expected results.

The Specific Objective 11.3 of Axis III – Institutional and administrative capacity, “Improving the performance of the Public Administration” aims, among other things, to promote empowerment actions for the staff of educational institutions. For this objective, Action 11.3.3 “Qualification and empowerment actions for institutions, operators and stakeholders” was envisaged. The activities of the online GPU TRAINING course are part of this specific action of the NOP for the Schools. The course is configured as an instrumental extension of the “GPU – Programme Management 2014-2020” project.

All projects carried out under the NOP for schools 2014-2020 are managed in the GPU portal (Management of Unitary Programming). The computerized model GPU 2014-2020 is an online system for the management, monitoring and documentation of the activities of the NOP for Schools. It supports the Managing Authority in the governance of the Programme, ensuring compliance with EU obligations, the optimization and management of the Programme actions and the participation of all recipients and beneficiaries involved in the implementation of the activities. The model arises from the contribution of INDIRE’s research activity and from the capitalization of the 2007-2013 programming experience.

In 18 months, from the beginning of 2017 to June 2018, 19 ERDF or ESF notices were published. In this same period of time, the schools were also engaged in the launch and implementation of the projects presented, which were approved by the Managing Authority. At the time of planning the training course, the data relating to the year 2017 showed that the schools had been involved in the design, or management, of over 38,000 projects. Through some qualitative and quantitative surveys, INDIRE’s GPU working group has identified the need to intervene to improve:

  • knowledge of the NOP Programme and the national strategy in the field of education;
  • the skills related to the management and documentation of the interventions financed by the NOP 2014-2020;
  • knowledge of the foundations for planning training intervention, with particular attention to the description of the context in which the school operates and to the monitoring and evaluation activities of a project;
  • knowledge of the functions of the 2014-2020 GPU system;
  • familiarity in the use of IT tools in general;
  • innovative organizational capacity for school improvement.
  • Based on the identification of these training needs, a course was designed to be offered to schools and school staff.

The training course

The course, completely free, is aimed at head teachers, teachers, directors of general and administrative services and technical-administrative staff of all Italian public schools, and is an important opportunity for those interested in acquiring or consolidating skills to use the 2014-2020 GPU system in order to correctly manage and document projects financed with funds of the National Operational Program (NOP) For the Schools.

The training course is designed and presented with the effective contribution of INDIRE’s GPU system experts and addresses various topics. In particular, it focuses on how to manage a project using the tools made available by the GPU system and on how to plan effective and quality interventions within the NOP for Schools. According to their needs, each course participant will then be able to deepen specific topics related to the planning of training interventions, educational strategies, good practices in the use of notices, and the tools offered to the Italian school system by European planning.

The training course is divided into modules and can be followed online in order to guarantee participants a high level of flexibility in training times.The total training hours foreseen by the project are 15, divided into 5 modules, each lasting 3 hours. The standard course consists of 3 modules, for a total of 9 hours of training.


Joining the initiative

The participation of the school staff to the training proposal was significant. To date, there are over 36 thousand people enrolled in the course, including head teachers, directors of general administrative services, teachers and technical and administrative staff.

81.7% of state schools throughout the country (7,062 out of 8,636) have at least one person enrolled in the course among their staff.