ITS – Higher Technical Institutes
What are they ? The Higher Technical Institutes (ITSs) are the first Italian experience of tertiary vocational training offer in line with a system consolidated some years ago in other European Countries.
Born in 2010 to train superior technicians in strategic areas for economic development and competitiveness in Italy, they are high-technology schools closely linked to the production system that prepare specialized middle managers who can help govern and exploit the potential of Enterprise 4.0 in companies.
There are 120 ITSs on the territory, linked to 6 technological areas considered strategic for the economic development and the competitiveness of the Country (Ministerial Decree 25 January 2008):
- Energy efficiency
- Sustainable mobility
- New technologies for life
- New technologies for the Made in Italy (business services, agro-food system, home system, mechanics system, fashion system)
- Information and communication technologies
- Innovative technologies for goods and cultural activities – Tourism
The ITSs are established according to the organisational model of the Participatory Foundation in collaboration with companies, universities/scientific and technological research centres, local authorities, school and training systems.
The Participatory Foundation is a particular form of private body used by public bodies to carry out activities of public utility with the involvement of private partners.
Who is the target? Young people and adults holding a secondary school diploma and those holding a four-year diploma of vocational education and training who attended a one-year integrative course for higher vocational education and training.
The paths have a two-year or three-year duration (4/6 semesters for a total of 1800/2000 hours). The traineeship is compulsory for 30% of the total hours and at least 50% of teachers come from the world of work. The in-company traineeship can be carried out with an apprentice contract for high training and research.
The paths conclude with a final evaluation carried out by a commission made up of representatives of schools, universities, vocational education and training and experts of the world of work.
Which opportunities do they offer? The ITSs allow the acquisition of a higher technical diploma with the certification of the competences corresponding to level V of the European Qualification Framework. To favour the circulation at national and European level the title is accompanied by the EUROPASS diploma supplement.
What is the role of Indire? Indire, under the auspices of the MIUR, creates and manages the higher technical institutes data bank, the national monitoring carries out research to analyse the structural, organizational, educational and developmental practices in the various centres, systematising them to implement innovation processes.