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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana
Formazione terziaria professionalizzante per il sistema produttivo e le aree tecnologiche strategiche nazionali. Modelli di sviluppo delle competenze per il mondo del lavoro: (ITS)

Identity and transferability of ITS didactics

As shown by research, the ITSs are characterized by a high variety and flexibility of approaches: – different educational approaches (theoretical, work based, formal, informal); – different organizational approaches (different spatial settings, different organizations); – different relational approaches (supportive, assisted, collaborative, competitive). In order to make ITS model transmittable to other training contexts while maintaining the positive effects on employment, occupational coherence with study paths, student satisfaction and the ability to intercept technological innovation (according to the studies and research conducted by INDIRE, also through case studies) we hypothesize that innovation of contents, teaching methods and instrumentation should proceed in synergy and coherent mutual acceleration with the network structure of governance activities. The planification of the courses and the organization of the training offer should also be adaptable to emerging production contexts, and to a flexible and dynamic management of internships, laboratories and teaching.

Research questions:

Q.1 What are the excellent organizational and didactic elements typical of the activities of the ITSs, which can be abstracted, starting from the analysis of specific experiences, for the purpose of their development and transferability and scalability in the ITS system?

Q.2 What are, how could they be improved and increased with participatory research interventions, the formats and educational paths (also in connective, hybrid and distributed learning environments), which best support the development of skills and the training of soft skills for quality work in vocational education?

Q.3 How to build guidelines for the transferability of good experiences?

Q.4 Can the weakness, in terms of economic development, of some Italian territorial areas where ITSs exist be balanced/overcome by participatory research interventions that leverage the “cultural” aspects of the identity and training practices of ITSs?

Q.5 What contribution can the “ITS model” make to the teaching and curricular innovation of the school of the second cycle and tertiary education in general?

The research questions will have an impact on the quality of the educational experience of ITSs and on experiential learning between training and work for the development of hard and soft skills.



  • Targets of the ITS Foundations and their technological and territorial networks according to the needs of the specific research actions (students, teachers, didactic coordinators, CTS members, project designers, business and economic representatives, coordination figures of the Foundations, technical-scientific committees, partners and members of the Foundations, presidents of the Foundations, school representatives, university representatives)


  • Ministry of Education
  • Confindustria
  •  Ministry of Economic Development
  • Regions
  • National Association of ITSs