Languages Training Plan
Languages training plan is a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and entrusted to Indire to develop linguistic and communication skills, and methodological competencies for the teaching of English in primary school. The project was born as a result of the enactment of the DPR 81 of 20 March 2009, whose regulation states that:“The teaching of the English language is in charge of primary school specialised teachers. Teachers do not currently specialised are obliged to participate in special three-year courses of language training, according to the procedures laid down by the relevant training plan. The teachers after the first year of training are preferably used in the first two classes of primary school and are supported by periodic language and methodological training, also by means of educational tools and multimedia facilities”.
In the context of national PFL, Indire has designed “Puntoedu Languages – Learn&Teach” of a duration of three years and based on a blended model (online and in person training).
Online training develops on two different learning environments, one dedicated to the development of linguistic and communication skills and the other devoted to methodological-teaching training.
The students participate in classroom training with specialised and specially selected tutors, who help them to follow the learning path, and ensure the continuity between the physical and the virtual classroom.
The linguistic -communicative path is organised on a multi-annual basis for those who start from the lowest levels and is aimed at reaching the level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe (CEFR), considered as the minimum level of competence to be able to teach English in all classes of primary school.
Online activities
Training is divided into 3 self-learning modules, with a fixed amount of hours to achieve a progressive level of linguistic competence, from level A1 up to level B1.
In person activities
These activities are held in schools, identified as locations for the courses, and are taught by an expert trainer/tutor, selected through a public call for tender.
The students are placed, when possible, in homogeneous classes according to the linguistic level.
The linguistic and communicative path is concluded when the teacher achieves the level B1 certified by a University Language Centre.
Only teachers demonstrating A2 linguistic competence can access to this training path.
Online activities
The educational provision is organised into 5 thematic focuses and provides theoretical study material, planning activities and language teaching experience. The learner, with the guidance of the tutor, customises the learning path and acquires credits needed to complete the entire training path by submitting an essay at the conclusion of each proposed activity, and also participating in the thematic forums and consulting study materials.
In person activities
They are held in schools, identified as locations for the courses, and are taught by an expert trainer/tutor, selected through a public call for tender.