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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

Learning Leadership for Change (L2C)

Learning Leadership for Change (L2C) is a three-year European project (2018 – 2020) aimed at promoting shared leadership at school and strengthening an effective network for the development of skills (self-assessment, training and sharing of best practices) in three key areas: STEM, innovative use of ICT in teaching, and digital citizenship.

The term “leadership” refers to a social process that influences and mobilizes the commitment of a group in order to achieve specific goals, linked to a common vision. Sharing this guiding factor means diversifying the people involved in decisions, thus ensuring that the different skills and experiences integrate with each other with positive effects on the entire organization (i.e., the school). This management method requires a high level of collaboration and commitment between teachers, the head teacher and other actors formally or informally involved in the school environment such as, for example, families, representatives of local institutions and associations active in the area.

The project aims to disseminate shared leadership practices on an experimental basis with a group of schools from 5 European countries (Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Malta).

The Istituto Comprensivo of Figline Valdarno (FI), the Liceo Scientifico “Paolo Ruffini” of Viterbo and l’ITT “Artemisia Gentileschi” of Milano.

The initiative consists of three phases:

  1. Identification and preparation

The schools suitable for experimentation are identified. Self-assessment tools are developed, meetings and webinars are planned and organized to start project activities.

  1. Implementation

In this phase, the schools, properly guided, put into practice the strategies necessary to create shared leadership and use suggested tools and methods to share best practices. In this regard, schools are involved in national and transnational study and exchange visits and in the co-construction of a MOOC on the themes of the project.

  1. Construction of the international network and dissemination of the project results

The network of experimental schools and the MOOC are open to all the interested institutions, both at national and European level. Together with the MOOC, another output envisaged by the project is that relating to the production of a Code of Conduct on the shared management of European projects.

L2C is coordinated by European Schoolnet. Indire is a partner of the project together with the Ministério da Educação – Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE) del Portogallo, the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León, the MMinisterie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap departement-onderwijs-en-vorming and at St. Nicholas College and Directorate for Educational Services di Malta.