Monitoring of the national plan for the arts
The three-year plan for the arts, established with the legislative decree n. 60 of 13 April 2017 and adopted with the decree of the president of the council of ministries of 30 December 2017 is the implementation tool for the promotion of humanistic culture which defines measures and funding available for Italian schools in order to implement creativity-based learning activities:
- Music/dance area
- Theatrical/performative area
- Artistic/visual area
- Linguistic/creative area
In the plan for the arts a new concept of school emerges. School activities linked to a wide variety of artistic expressions are fully recognised for their value. This is supported by the awareness that practising and studying arts is a crucial and inclusive component of personal growth, which offers a complete educational experience where the body and the mind, creativity and craftsmanship, practice and theory, the uniqueness and the social relationships of each individual are met in a constant and virtuous dialogue.
In this context, the Ministry of Education avails itself of the collaboration of Indire for the national monitoring of the three-year plan for the arts which represents a knowledge tool for the system but also a way to raise awareness and engage in the documentation of the activities, the collection and dissemination of good practices, training and formation of the teachers engaged in the development of the paths and finally, in the support to the creation of permanent laboratories for the didactics of the creative expression.
Indire has therefore realised a monitoring plan organise into three years, which integrates the analysis of quantitative data with the development of qualitative studies, in order to render the macro aspects of the activities carried out by the schools as part of the actions and measures foreseen by the plan. This is also accompanied by an information subsystem aimed at identifying and valorising good practices, and methodological and innovation aspects.
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