National Excellence Honours Roll
This programme is promoted by the MIUR to provide incentives for students of upper secondary Italian state schools and state authorised schools in Italy and abroad who:
- have obtained a mark of 100 with honours in a state exam at the end of their secondary school education;
- are winners of national and international competitions linked to subjects recognised by the annual programme to promote excellence.
The financial resources are allocated directly by INDIRE to the schools attended by the youngsters of merit, who are rewarded with one of the incentives mentioned in Art. 4 of Leg. Dec. no. 262/2007 (which can also include initiatives of an educational nature with public and private institutes and universities).
The incentives disbursed are not subject to taxation since: “They pursue the objective of general interest to stimulate and broaden students’ interest in following a higher level of cultural and professional training” (Italian Revenue Agency, Resolution no. 280/E/2009).
Prize-winning students are listed on the National Excellence Honours Roll managed and edited by INDIRE.