Institutes of technical and vocational education and training (TVET)
The region of Tuscany commissioned INDIRE to carry out research into Institutes of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The objective is to identify innovative and sustainable models (achievable and transferable on a large scale and/or standardisable) on the development of some lines of experimental intervention: didactic workshops in “core subjects” (English, Mathematics, Sciences and foreign languages) and school-to-apprenticeships programmes.
The Region has strengthened the development of the TVET, with resolution 26 May 2014 DGRT (n.420/2014) that allows the TVET centres to start the experimental phase of the interventions aimed at implementing regional policies in terms of vocational education and training for the prevention of didactical failure, and to fill the gap between the educational offer and new skills required in the TVET sector.
In particular, Indire:
- contributes to the monitoring of the TVET centres, concerning the standardisation of the experimental intervention guidelines;
- collaborates to the design and implementation of tools and methodologies for the evaluation of experimental activities of TVET centres;
- examines the criticalities that have emerged and formulates proposals for overcoming them in consistency with the regional political guidelines;
In this framework, the monitoring activity becomes research and systematic observation.
The TVET centres are the functional interconnection between the training and business sector to ensure the integration of the professional, logistic and instrumental resources of school-based TVET centres, enterprises, training institutions (accredited by the regions), colleges, universities and research centres (7 February 2013, Guidelines art. 52 Law n. 35 of 4 April 2012). The TVET centres offer an organisational model to combat early school leaving and promote the access to a valuable educational provision for young people’s professional qualification, according to a logic of integration between school, training, university and the world of work.
The idea is therefore to create permanent and stable networks able to integrate educational/training institutions and the production system in order to promote scientific and technical knowledge aimed at improving the employability of young people, also at local level.