Training of Cultural Mediators
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CUP – B55B18000500001
PON “Inclusione” – CCI n.2014IT05SFOP001
Asse 4 – “Capacità amministrativa”
Priorità di intervento 11.ii – “Rafforzamento delle capacità di tutti i soggetti interessati che operano nei settore dell’istruzione della formazione permanente, della formazione e delle politiche sociali e del lavoro, anche mediate patti settoriali e territoriali di mobilitazione per una riforma a livello nazionale, regionale e locale”
OS 11.3 – “Miglioramento delle prestazioni della pubblica amministrazione”
Azione 11.3.3 – “Azioni di qualificazione ed empowerment”
Project and Reaserach Coordinator: Fausto Benedetti
As part of the EU planning 2014-2020, the National Operational Programme (NOP) for Social Inclusion, cofounded by the European Social Fund proposes measures and innovative services to combat poverty and social marginalisation.
The managing authority of the NOP for inclusion is the Directorate-General for poverty reduction and social planning of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
The NOP for Inclusion aims to:
- Support the definition of common models of intervention to combat poverty
- Promote innovative models for social intervention and integration of people at risk of marginalisation through system actions and pilot projects
The National Office Against Racial Discrimination (UNAR) was identified as beneficiary of the NOP Inclusion to implement the interventions foreseen by axis 3 “Systems and models for social intervention” and axis 4 “Administrative capacity” as provided for by the convention of 18/04/2016 signed in agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies – Directorate-General for inclusion and social policies.
It is within this framework that falls the ongoing collaboration agreement of 15/06/2018 between UNAR and INDIRE aimed at the implementation of the project “Training model for cultural mediators” under NOP Inclusion ESF 2014/2020 – Axis 4 “Administrative capacity”- priority action 11.ii “Enhancement of the competences of all the subjects involved in the sector of education and lifelong learning, training, social policies and labour market policies, also through sectoral and territorial pacts to mobilise for reform at the national, regional and local levels – SO 11.3 “Improvement of the performance of public administration” – action 11.3.3 “Actions for capacity development and empowerment of institutions, operators and stakeholders”.
This agreement foresees specific activities addressed to cultural mediators to enhance their mediation capacity aimed at removing the obstacles and potential conflicts arising between those who are victims of discrimination and avail themselves of public services and those who provide services to the community for institutional reasons. In particular, this action will be carried out through:
- The elaboration and experimentation of a training model for cultural mediators able to develop the necessary competences for dealing with inclusion processes and management of social conflicts.
- The spreading and advertising of the initiative through usual communication channels and direct contacts with the institutions where cultural mediators operate.
From the context analysis carried out by Indire emerged that cultural mediation plays a key role in the majority of the welcoming processes. These professional figures are now included in every place where the public administration deals with foreign citizens: welcoming structures for migrants and foreigners, police headquarters, job centres, local bodies offering personal services, etc.
The cultural mediator is therefore a professional figure that mainly carries out the following activities:
- Linguistic interpretation, translation and cultural orientation;
- Linking function between the needs of the migrants and foreign citizens and public bodies and Italian private institutions
Therefore, creating tools for their qualification and professional updating is deemed necessary and fundamental.
The project foresees the experimentation of an advanced training course for cultural mediators mainly addressed – but not limited to – mediators already practicing this profession and aimed at:
- Providing competences in the legal, social, language and cultural spheres
- Providing intercultural mediators with a factual training on the principles of non-discrimination and equal treatment of European legal culture
The chosen innovative training model makes use of the eLearning environment created by INDIRE in collaboration with the online university, IUL, and is aimed at:
- Building the professional capacities of the cultural mediators;
- Removing obstacles and potential conflicts between service users and providers.
This model is characterised by a method that places the student at the centre of the training path; didactic materials (video lessons, podcasts, study material, thematic forums, etc.) that can be accessed from everywhere; careful assistance by highly qualified tutors; and the acquisition of professional marketable skills.
Legal framework of reference
The project concerns:
- Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin;
- Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation.
In order to implement these directives Italy drew up the legislative decrees no. 215 and no. 216 for the promotion of the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation and personal beliefs.
The project takes also into account the national and regional legislation on the professional training of the cultural mediator that pivots around three key principles placed at the centre of the training pathway:
- equal opportunities in accessing government services in respect of everyone’s rights and duties;
- active participation in social life, and working and educational activities;
- training for the awareness and enhancement of differences with the aim of combating discriminatory acts and attitudes.
The referring legislation disciplining the cultural mediation profession is based on:
- Legislative decree no. 276 of 2003
- Consolidated text on Immigration no. 286 of 1998 and its implementing regulation (art. no. 45 presidential decree no. 349 of 1999).
The role of mediator in relation to equal opportunities and social integration is highlighted in:
- The Plan for Safe Integration with particular reference to work and basic services