Sezione ricerca
Research Structure 12 – Enhancement of historical heritage
The activities of the Structure are inspired by the preparatory archival and bibliographic work of inventorying, cataloguing and digitizing historical materials possessed by the Institute.
The first project carried out in this area is the Fisqed portal – Historical funds of notebooks and written production. Fisqed was followed by the Fotoedu – Photographic archives for the history of education project, designed in synergy with SISF – Italian society for the study of photography. This work should hopefully also extend to the other funds progressively acquired (among others, the donation of the Archive of Italian pedagogists of the twentieth century) and to collection and research projects of atypical audio-visual sources, such as, for example, “Teachers’ memories” and “The school on the screen”.
Many dissemination actions support this work and are progressively expanded into activities of analysis in a diachronic perspective of the innovative teaching experiences that have characterized the development of the Italian school system and of a growing critical-hermeneutic work on broadly understood sources, with a specific focus on their didactic and formative development, also thanks to the use of digital tools.
General objectives
- Archival-bibliographic research on the historical heritage of the institution, consisting of archival and bibliographic funds of a special nature, such as: school archives, photographic materials and bibliographic materials (school manuals and children’s literature)
– 1a. criteria for indexing and networking the stored materials (eg. Fotoedu photographic archives for the history of school and education)
– 1b. critical cataloguing of segments of bibliographic collections
– 1c. construction of ad hoc paths for schools, with a selection of bibliographic/documentary materials for educational use. - Identification and historical study of the key didactic experiences that characterized the development of the Italian school system between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
– 2a. Identification in a diachronic perspective of central events in the history of the Italian school system (of which INDIRE, as a place of conservation, bears multiple testimonies)
– 2b. In-depth study of past models and methodologies to support innovation in the current school system (with particular attention to the following topics: inclusion/exclusion processes, active and laboratory teaching, learning environments, small schools) - Critical-hermeneutic work on sources (widely understood) with a specific focus on their use in teaching and training, also thanks to the use of digital technology (Museo del Novecento – M9 in Mestre; Diculther; Italian Public History Association)
- Analysis of the role of the pedagogy of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in terms of third cultural spaces for a rethinking of the curriculum and the organization of teaching.
Institutional collaborations and research collaborations
- General Directorate of Educational Services of the Ministry of Culture
- General Directorate of Archives – Archival and Bibliographic Superintendency of Tuscany
- ANAI (Italian Archives Association)
- AIB (Italian Library Association)
- National Central Library of Florence
- Marucelliana Library Florence
- Unifi SAGAS (Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Entertainment)
- Archival Center of the Scuola Normale Superiore
- SIPSE (Italian Society for the Study of School Heritage)
- SISF (Italian Society for the Study of Photography)
- ICOM school heritage
- National Museum of school
- AIPH (National Public History Association)
- SEPHE (Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Escolar)
- Universidad de Sevilla – Facultad de Comunicaciòn
- Museum of the Twentieth Century – M9 of Mestre
- Union of Women in Italy UDI-Bologna
- Bologna Industrial Heritage Museum
- Clionet-Association of historical research and cultural promotion
- Landscapes of Memory Association
- Nuto Revelli Foundation
- Pesaro Film Festival
- Festival of Peoples
- Magic Lanterns-Tuscany Media Library
- Lucania Film Commission
- Ucca
- Sedicicorto International Film Festival