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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

TRANSMEDIA LITERACY. Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education

The first aim of this project is to understand how the young boys and girls are learning skills outside the school through the use of media, social media and videogames. The second aim is to ‘translate’ the identified informal learning strategies and practices applied by young people outside the formal institutions into a series of activities and proposals to be implemented inside formal learning settings.

The Transmedia Literacy Project has also produced a Teacher’s Kit containing hundreds of didactic activities for the integration of media, disciplinary and transversal competences that teachers can apply in the classroom.

The project involves 8 countries in the world. Indire collaborates as third part with the University of Turin that coordinates the research in Italy.

Results and publications of the project are available on the project’s website: https://transmedialiteracy.org

The Teacher’s kit and informative sheets of the project’s activities can be downloaded at the following address: http://transmedialiteracy.upf.edu

The book “Teens, media and collaborative cultures: exploiting teens’ transmedia skills in the classroom” that presents the main research results is downloadable at the following address: https://repositori.upf.edu/handle/10230/34245?locale-attribute=en.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645238