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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana
Formazione terziaria professionalizzante per il sistema produttivo e le aree tecnologiche strategiche nazionali. Modelli di sviluppo delle competenze per il mondo del lavoro: (ITS)

The elements characterizing the ITS system and their evolution

Ambito: Ricerca istituzionale

The last decade has seen the birth and rapid development in our country of Vocational Tertiary Education represented by the ITSs, which constitutes a strategic training segment for increasing student participation in tertiary education. The “historic” national mismatch between training supply and the demand for skills by the world of work, which is at the root of youth unemployment, highlights the need for new models of approach to skills development (OECD, 2017).

Since the birth of this high-technology segment of ITSs, INDIRE designs and develops the national ITS database (as required by the Prime Minister’s Decree of 25 January 2008); carries out, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, the national monitoring of ITS courses and elaborates the ranking of the courses one year after graduation (Agreement of 5 August 2014 between the Government, regions and local bodies for the implementation of the monitoring system and evaluation of ITS paths).


  • To return a methodologically accurate description of the role played by specific characteristics of ITS pathways in increasing the probability of finding employment and the role of the context in moderating and mediating these effects;
  • To provide food for thought regarding the indicators currently used to evaluate the effectiveness of ITSs, especially the indicators that should increase the employability and quality of the training offer;
  • To identify good organizational and educational experiences that are sustainable and transferable in order to build guidelines for excellence.

Research questions

  • To what extent is the probability of finding employment (consistent with one’s studies) explained by differences at the meso and macro levels?
  • To what extent is the probability of finding employment (consistent with one’s studies) explained by intra-path and intra-regional variations over time?
  • Which characteristics of the pathways most predict the probability of finding employment (consistent with one’s studies) and which of these characteristics most explain the variability between paths in terms of their ability to provide employment for students?
  • Which characteristics of the regional context most predict the probability of finding employment (consistent with one’s studies) and which of these characteristics most explain the variability between contexts as regards their ability to employ qualified students in ITS courses?
  • How are the elements of excellence of ITS paths built?



  • President of ITS Foundations;
  • Ministry of Education, Regions, Ministry of Economic Development, Confindustria, ITS National Association, 9th Commission for Education, Training and Work;
  • Teachers, students, business representatives, CTS, presidents, directors, university representatives;
  • National Recovery and Resilience Plan Commission.


  • Employers’ associations.