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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

Training of trainers

As professions increasingly evolve and integrate within each other, school education risks falling behind while continuing to propose fragmentation of competencies and disciplines, appropriate for a work model that is now disappearing.  4.0 industry is based on the interaction between different sectors – from logistics to administration, from production to storage – and on a generation of digital devices whose programming languages are still not known at school or are taught in an abstract way.

Teachers’ in-service training is the only way to sustain the teaching staff in this necessary innovation process. Training must effect both professional behaviours and teaching practice in the class. In order to reach this goal, two factors are necessary: equipped environments and trained teachers.

Who can train teachers if not another teacher? Therefore, one of the strategic initiatives will be to create registers of trainers made up of not only selected human resources operating in innovative schools, but also of those dealing with innovative didactics, documentation, designing of spaces and furniture (researchers, architects, members of associations and accredited bodies). In turns, the selected teachers/trainers will be involved in in-person and online lifelong learning pathways led by Indire. The establishment of ten Future Classroom Labs in different Italian regions will allow the carrying out of the training in technologically well-equipped environments with furnishings and spaces designed to provide an effective immersive experience.