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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana

Innovative didactic methods for the development of competences relating to the job market: job placement schemes and apprenticeships for students

This research activity aims to analyse the forms in which the relationship between school and world of work is articulated and realised.

The specificity of the research field is given by the broader observation context that includes,  other subjects, beyond schools, that contribute in different ways to education and training. The aim is to identify innovation produced in the educational and training system for a more effective integration between school and work.

This line of research:

  • identifies, analyses, selects (based on qualitative criteria linked to  innovative value and transferability), and documents experiences and innovative models for school-work integration;
  • develops integrated teaching models, deriving from the relationship with the world of work, for the development of competences;
  • it experiments school-work integration models within the strategic project on school dispersion;
  • designs learning and training environments that allow schools and teachers to influence the school curriculum through innovative school-work experiences.



Research projects