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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


6 giugno 2017

Erasmus+ Teacher training mobility on the increase

Erasmus + offers teachers, school staff and adult education staff the chance to participate in a mobility for training programme. It is a summer training opportunity abroad to exchange ideas with European colleagues by attending courses or sharing experiences and didactic practices.

The evaluation procedure for learning mobility projects, concerning Key Action 1 in school education and adult education, carried out by the national agency Erasmus+ Indire, has just concluded.

In the field of school education, the Agency received 662 applications, after formal and qualitative selection. These 120 projects will allow 2,561 people among teachers, headmasters and administrative staff (+ 21% compared to 2016) to carry out a European mobility experience for a training course, job shadowing, or teaching assignments. The financial commitment to support mobility in this area is € 5,288,751 (+ 22.6% over the 2016 budget). On average, each project will allow the mobility of 21 people. The most active regions are Campania, Sicily and Puglia.



With regard to adult education, mobility will affect about 406 people (+ 8% compared to 2016), as the result of 21 winner projects presented by national adult education organisations, for a total funding of 804,646 euros (+ 23% compared to 2016 funding). In this context, the most represented regions are Lazio, Apulia, Lombardy and Sardinia. Overall, compared to the 95 applications received by the Agency, 22.1% of the submitted projects will be funded, namely an increase in the approval rate of 6% over 2016.



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