Enrolment to the tree new online courses of EUN Academy is open. The courses are part of the online platform European Schoolnet, dedicated to primary and secondary school teachers. The courses are completely free of charge and flexible in terms of time and participation. They provide knowledge and resources to innovate didactic practices and make available a variety of tools to confront with colleagues, share ideas and professional experiences and experiment new class methods, concerning in particular, science teaching and collaborative learning.
The courses about to start are:
Opening Schools to STEM Careers
The course is addressed to headmasters and to all those involved in youth orientation. Strategies to make young people passionate about science and the related professions will be also presented. Course participants are going to learn how to identify key STEM competencies, know the best professional pathways, overcome gender stereotypes (gender gap in scientific professions is still significant) and involve the entire school, for example by organising science-based events. The course must be completed in a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 8 and a half weeks, and is made up of 7 modules, requiring 2-3 hours of work per week.
Starting date: Monday 25 September 2017
Enrolment is open, follow this link! The Facebook page.
Collaborative Teaching and Learning_2nd edition
The course is mainly addressed to primary and secondary school teachers but is also recommended to headmasters. Experts and colleagues will give advice on how to implement collaborative learning in the class. Participants will have access to videos and inspiring support materials for didactic innovation. This type of teaching has proved to be more engaging for the class and improve students’ ability to relate. Participants to the course become part of an international community of professional and educators, created to make collaborative teaching a daily practice for students and teachers. The course is made up of 4 modules (each module requires 4-5 hours of work) for a duration of 6 weeks and a half.
Starting date: Monday 25 September 2017
Enrolment is open, follow this link! The Facebook page
Our Fragile Planet
The third course starting in October aims to propose strategies to integrate issues related to cosmology and astronomy (and the professional careers related) in the school curriculum. The resources made available by the international project Space Awareness will be also presented.
The course is addressed to teachers of scientific subject but can be followed also by teachers of other subjects, by people dealing with students’ orientation and by curators of science museums. Previous knowledge of astronomy and geography is not necessary. The course is structured in 4 modules for a duration of 5 weeks and a half, corresponding to 2-3 hours of work per week.
Starting date: 2 October 2017
Enrolment is open, follow this link! The Facebook page
EUN Academy curses issue a certificate of completion. For information on training hours recognition contact:
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