“STEM for Youth” is the European project promoting an innovative approach to the study of STEM subjects, namely science, technology, engineering and maths. The initiative involves experts and science professionals of 6 European countries (Poland, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Italy) committed to transforming the study of scientific subjects to make it more attractive for students. The project was born out of the idea that a country investing in stem skills guarantees a professional future to its young people by endowing them with useful skills to establish themselves on the labour market.
“STEM for Youth” provides online didactic resources grouped in 7 subjects (Mathematics, physics, medicine, science for citizens, astronomy, physics and engineering) and created to explain the basic concepts of each discipline. The educational platform provides also a Toolkit for teachers with practical suggestions to make studying more enjoyable through, for example, visits to museums, science festivals and outdoor activities. The Umberto Veronesi Foundation is one of the partners supporting the initiative and is the representative for Italy. The organisation, created in 2003 on the initiative of Umberto Veronesi and many other internationally renowned scientists and intellectuals, promotes scientific research of excellence and prevention, education, health and science divulgation projects.
The Veronesi Foundation compiled the entire educational section dedicated to medicine.
Medicine has lately shifted from the concept of “one cure for all” to the concept of personalized and molecular medicine, tailored to each person’s DNA. Moreover, this new way of doing medicine has created new professions in medicine, which do not only include doctors and nurses anymore, but also data analysts, cultural mediators, biotechnologists, bioinformaticians and medicine communicators. The Veronesi Foundation educational provision aims at covering all the aspects of medicine such as:
Big data
Gender medicine
Genome editing
Each module includes a PowerPoint presentation and notes for the teacher and can be carried out in class in 2 or 4 hours. Modules can be accessed until 28 February 2018.
Visit the official website of “STEM for Youth”