eTwinning presented at the convention on media education and inclusion at the university of Florence
On Thursday 24 and Friday 25 May, at the department of Science of Education and psychology of the University of Florence there will be the convention Media Education in the global society. Sharing experiences and best practices. The event aims to take stock of media education in the formation of the 21st Century citizen, focusing in particular on the challenges posed by globalisation, interculturalism and socio-cultural inclusion. The aim is to evaluate the pedagogical potentials of an educational research area which can provide useful analytical tools for a more critical view of communication regarding hot topics such as immigration, cohabitation, and post-colonial citizenship.
The first day of the convention envisages the presentation of the European project Media Education for Equity and Tolerance (Erasmus+ 2016-2018), coordinate by Prof. Maria Ranieri, and of the first results of the didactic experimentations carried out in Italy and in Germany under the framework of the aforementioned project. To follow, a series of experiences of education to the media and interculturalism at school and beyond – including the eTwining community, presented by Donatella Nucci, head of the eTwining Italy Unit – will be shared and discussed. On the second day, the focus will shift to communication of interculturalism by the media with contributions of scholars and professionals of the sector. Leonardo Bianchi, News Editor of Vice Italia and expert in political communication and youth culture, will teach a lesson entitled The eternal invasion: how disinformation influences the debate on migrants.
The event is patronised by the Tuscany Regional School Office
Participation is free but registration is mandatory