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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


25 novembre 2022

The ITS System protagonist at Job&Orienta in Verona


Why does the model of Higher Technological Institutes (ITS Academy), characterized by flexibility and dynamism, represent a radical paradigm shift in the teaching and methodology system? Why is the virtuous intersection of the model with reality and business processes one of the most incisive ways to deal with the substantial change underway in the skills demand, and the emergence of new job profiles?

The conference “ITS Academy: the best professional profiles offered by companies to develop multiple talents” outlined a set of answers and insights for analysis to these and other questions. The event took place on Thursday 24 November as part of of JOB&Orienta, the job orienteering fair, for school education, training and work, organized annually in Verona.

INDIRE participated in the event, with the presence and intervention of Antonella Zuccaro, head of the ITS research structure, who highlighted how ITS students are called to develop knowledge, skills and know-how, but also the attitudes and ways of thinking necessary to face the challenges posed by the ongoing transformations. In fact, in a context characterized by flexibility and dynamism, ITS Academy students are able to combine structured theoretical knowledge in the technical-scientific domain of their studies, with practical skills gained in direct contact with the world of work, and provided through methodologies and innovative tools.

Higher VET, represented in Italy by the new ITS Academy system, recently reformed by law no. 99 of 15 July 2022, plays a decisive role in accompanying the ongoing change in the high-quality skills required by the world of work.

Moreover, it offers courses organized with a flexible model, with a combination of learning places and methods designed to develop the skills necessary for the major transitions underway, from digital to green. ITS Academies offer cutting-edge pathways, as well as further training and retraining measures that help develop new skills, needed at all levels and in all sectors and occupations, promoting the employability of graduates and responding to business demands, under the banner of innovation.