The Repertoire of Professionalism for Innovation in the scientific proceedings of the ATEE conference and in the December issue of EAS magazine
The Repertoire of Professionalism for Innovation was received with opportunities for discussion and appreciation in the scientific dissemination channels. The Repertoire is part of that line of research which looks at the need to encourage and retain highly qualified teachers* in fragile territories and, at the same time, at the importance of tutoring and mentoring processes for launching local growth paths suited to give birth to innovation teams, able to intervene in the quality educational offer and in the continuous training of teachers. The device finds its raison d’être within a new vision of school: a proximity school, an open and boundless school, a school which, thanks to the alliance with the territory (sometimes formalized through the Educational Pacts) rethinks its offer and enhances services and resources.
The research structure that deals with small schools concludes the year with the publication of two scientific contributions resulting from the dialogue in national and international research tables.
The first, edited by Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione and entitled «Enhancing professionalism. The Repertoire in small schools» is included in the new issue of the scientific journal EAS (EAS/n.3) directed by prof. Pier Cesare Rivoltella. The “Professional Development” column, edited by my colleague Elena Mosa, pays attention to being “frontier teachers” and places the “Repertoire” tool at the center of a possible system intervention for the enhancement of the professionalism of teachers and head teachers through forms of management based on purpose networks.
The second, edited by Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione and Beatrice Miotti, is «The Italian Repertoire of Tutors for the Professional Valorisation and Retainment of Small School. In Teaching & Learning for an Inlcusive» published in “Interconnected World Proceedings of ATEE/IDD/GCTE conference” which collects the proceedings of the international ATEE conference held last April in Sestri Levante.
The conference proceedings are freely downloadable and available for consultation.
*Barrett et al 2015; Azano, Stewart, 2016)