Tutor teachers, over 52,000 teachers to join the training modules
Out of 2,734 educational institutions affected by the reform which establishes tutor teachers and guidance teachers on an experimental basis, as many as 2,728 (equal to 99.8% of the total) have forwarded the request to participate in the training modules: a total of 52,176 tutors and 4,252 guidance teachers. These professional figures will accompany students from September in building their career path in the scholastic and professional fields.
Almost total involvement of the schools was obtained in the last three years of upper secondary education, abundantly exceeding the minimum target that had been set in 37,708 tutors and 2,753 guidance teachers to be trained. As much as 138% participation of tutor teachers and 154% of guidance teachers was reached.
This result will make it possible to truly launch the virtuous path of personalization of teaching and orientation, through support for students and families aimed at identifying and enhancing the talents of all young people, making informed and considered choices consistent with the students’ potential, aiming to obtain the reduction of early school leaving and school failure. For the introduction of these figures, 150 million euros fund is foreseen, destined for this purpose by the ministerial decree of April 2023. Further resources have already been allocated to allow disciplinary teaching support in extracurricular hours, thus extending school time.
Aninsei, the association of non-state institutes, the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento as well as the autonomous region of Valle d’Aosta have also asked to participate in the training course for tutor teachers of their institutions.
The training course will therefore be extended to the teachers of these important realities of the school system.
[Source: Ministry of Education and Merit press release, 5 June 2023]