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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


15 giugno 2023

Educational architecture, INDIRE presents the innovative use of space in 15 schools

School buildings, analysed as ecosystems in continuous evolution, are the objects of study documented in the volume “Architetture educative” (Educational Architectures) (published by Altralinea, preview here), edited by the INDIRE researchers Giuseppe Moscato and Leonardo Tosi, with the involvement of the research team on school architecture.

Specifically, 15 recently built Italian schools were examined, with a particular focus on the use and adaptation of educational spaces in relation to the educational activities carried out daily. In the over two hundred pages of the volume, extensive photographic documentation and an overview of the didactic vision and pedagogical project of the school are proposed.

The INDIRE research group has now further enriched the volume with insights that can be consulted online which constitute an added value for those who want to investigate the link between architecture and pedagogy not only from a design point of view, but also when these spaces are occupied and experienced by the students. It is a “virtual journey” in the innovative environments of some school buildings located throughout Italy. The documentation of a school will be published every two weeks with a video presentation by the authors, in-depth interviews with the designers, a technical sheet, photographic documentation, and supplementary texts, as well as the downloadable version of the book chapter.

The entire documentation – in paper and now also online – offers the opportunity to analyse and document in a particular way the use that a school makes of its space, to evaluate how much these respond to teaching styles and pedagogical projects. The INDIRE research therefore aims to contribute to the scientific debate between pedagogy and architecture, promoting a sustainable dialogue and providing a contribution to guide through possible solutions to be adopted both in terms of setting up school furniture, and design guidelines for new school buildings.


Below are the 15 schools and the release dates of the online insights:

Sant’Andrea Primary School, Bressanone – BZ (01/06);

Malaguzzi Infant and Primary School, Reggio Emilia (15/06);

Lazzati Infant School and Martini Primary School, Cernusco sul Naviglio – MI (29/06);

John Paul II Primary School, Fauglia – PI (13/07);

Viscontini Primary School – Milan (27/07);

Racagni Primary School, Parma (10/08);

Monguelfo / Welsberg Primary School, Monguelfo-Tesido – BZ (24/08);

San Carlo Primary School, San Carlo Canavese – TO (07/09);

D’Annunzio Primary School, Celano – AQ (21/09);

Montanari Secondary School, Mirandola – MO (05/10);

Fermi Secondary School -Turin (19/10);

Mattarella Secondary School, Modena (02/11);

Cozzi Secondary School, Crespina Lorenzana – PI (16/11);

Martini secondary school, Mezzolombardo – TN (30/11);

A.M. Enriques Agnoletti secondary school, Sesto Fiorentino – FI (14/12).


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