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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


26 giugno 2023

The model of valency grammar, Prof. Sabatini’s Lectio magistralis online on Wednesday 28 June

On Wednesday 28 June, from 3 to 5 pm, INDIRE organises an online Lectio Magistralis with prof. Francesco Sabatini focused on valency grammar.

Together with prof. Sabatini, linguist, philologist and top expert on the subject, the participants will have the opportunity to explore this model of description of the sentence structure, which emphasizes aspects of semantics, namely by connecting the functions of the different parts of the sentence with their meanings. In fact, valency grammar considers the sentence as a unit of observation and identifies its central constituent element in the verb.

It is an alternative approach to teaching grammar which has proved to be functional in stimulating pupils to use their own competences, to engage the mind by encouraging the logical learning process, collaboration, mutual listening and to understand that the sentence has a harmonic structure whose elements are arranged according to a logical and interdependent order.

The Lectio Magistrilis inaugurates the new web space of the INDIRE website entirely dedicated to research on valency grammar, where it is possible to find numerous resources, information and documentation for putting this teaching model into practice.


Online registration is required to participate.

The event will take place on the Cisco Webex platform.