Indire, in its activity of studying and making its historical heritage available to the community, has started the creation, also in collaboration with external research bodies and universities, of bibliographic exhibitions and documentary exhibitions with particular attention to their possible use for educational purposes, such as The objective on the school. Images from the Indire photographic archive (2012) and Roots for future. Innovation at school through the 90 years of Indire (2015). Among the most recent exhibitions, the following are available for resetting:
Info e contatti
INDIRE, via M. Buonarroti 10 - 50122 Firenze
Telefono: 055.2380301
Email: archiviostorico@indire.it
Visite su appuntamento: dal lunedì al venerdì ore 8.00-13.00 ; 14.00–17.00