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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


8 novembre 2017

The Eurydice report “Citizenship Education at School in Europe – 2017”

In the last years, Europe has focused on citizenship education to protect crucial values such as peace, equality and human rights. What do we really mean by citizenship education? How is it taught? How are students assessed? What kind of competencies can be developed, also outside the classroom? What kind of education is provided to the teachers?

The Eurydice report Citizenship Education at School in Europe – 2017, which has just been published, answers these questions providing an overview of policies and regulations on Citizenship Education in lower and upper secondary state schools in Europe.

The report focuses of 4 themes, each one accompanied by a case study:

  • Curriculum Organisation and Content
  • Teaching, learning and active participation
  • Student Assessment and School Evaluation
  • Teacher education, professional development and support

Finally, more detailed information about websites, national policies and measures related to citizenship education are available in the annexes.

>> download the report Citizenship Education at School in Europe – 2017

>> Download the annexes of the Eurydice Report Citizenship Education at School in Europe – 2017 – Annexes: National Information and Websites

What Eurydice is

Eurydice is the European network which collects, analyses and spreads information on  policies, structures and organisation of the European educational systems. The network was created in  1980 under the initiative of the European Commission and is composed of the European Unit in Brussels and the national units. Since 1985, the Italian national unit has been based at Indire.

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