European Schoolnet Academy launches two competitions focused on integrated teaching of STEM subjects and NBS (Nature Based Solutions), and a MOOC, that is, an online course open to all teachers, dedicated to science education.
MOOC: “A Roadmap to Citizen Science Education”
During the course a new way of conducting scientific research, that makes use of the support of citizens in the collection and interpretation of data, will be presented. This approach aims to involve students in the practice of searching for information, as well as favouring the creation of a network – useful for teachers and researchers – for sharing experiences and ideas to bring students closer to scientific research. The aim of the course is to deepen the process of integrating scientific activities into the teaching of STEM subjects, explore the possibilities of collaboration between researchers and teachers, develop a learning scenario for the so-called Citizen Science.
The course is divided into four modules:
- Module 1: An Introduction to Citizen Science and Bringing Research into the Classroom (Starting date: 22 March)
- Module 2: How to Bring Citizen Science in Your Classroom (Starting date: 29 March)
- Module 3: Mainstreaming Innovation in Your Class – (Starting date: 5 April)
- Module 4: Submit Your Citizen Science Learning Scenario – (Starting date: April 12)
Registrations are still open! >>
STE(A)MIT, Integrated STEM Teaching competitions 2021
Primary and secondary school teachers are invited to participate in one or more of the three STE(A)MIT competitions organized as part of the STEM Discovery 2021 campaign, one of which is co-organized by the STEM Alliance. These competitions encourage teachers to explore the possibilities of integrated teaching of STEM subjects and to encourage the (virtual) intervention of STEM professionals during classroom lessons.
More information on the competition rules >>
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in Education Competition
With “Nature-based solutions” we refer to the management and sustainable use of nature to address socio-environmental challenges. With the “Nature-Based Solutions in Education Competition”, teachers are invited to integrate the theme of NBS into their classrooms and to share new learning scenarios and experiences.
There are three different ways to participate in the competition:
- Submit a new NBS learning scenario
- Submit a new learning scenario on NBS experimented with the students
- Try one of the 15 learning scenarios of the NBS in the classroom and illustrate the results obtained in the classroom.
The competition is open until April 30, 2021.
More information on the competition >>