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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


1 aprile 2021

Human rights and inclusive education. The final conference of the project MigratED on Facebook live streaming

On the occasion of the International Day of Conscience promoted by the UN, on 6 and 7 April the organization WeWorld organizes the final conference of the MigratED project  live on Facebook, in collaboration with the partners of the 5 countries involved (Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Portugal and Cyprus).

MigratED – Migrations and Human Rights enhanced through Technology in Education is a European project that disseminates good educational practices on intercultural dialogue, migration and human rights, training teachers and educators on these issues and on the use of digital and multimedia tools in teaching. More information here and here.

The conference will be structured into there panels, each dedicated to three different topics: the first (6/4 at 4pm) will be on digital teaching in Europe in the Covid-19 era. Among others, the Indire researcher Gabriella Taddeo will speak in this session.

The second panel (7/4 at 9.30 am) will be dedicated to inclusive education, while the third (also Wednesday 7, but starting at 11.10 am) will discuss possible coordinated actions to achieve factual education for global citizenship.


Event programme >>

Follow the conference live on Facebook (start: 6/4 at 3.30 pm) >>