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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


29 maggio 2023

Artificial Intelligence, INDIRE’s research at the Ital-IA conference

Ital-IA is the third national conference on Artificial Intelligence organized in Pisa from 29 to 31 May in the CNR Research Area of Pisa (via G. Moruzzi 1) with the aim of developing common objectives for public institutions, Italian industries and scientific research of universities and national research centers. Ital-IA aims to network all the actions that are being planned in our country in recent months on the breakthroughs related to Artificial Intelligence.

The conference is organized by the CINI National Laboratory “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” (AIIS), created in 2018 with the support of the Department of Information and Security of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The laboratory now has 57 network nodes which include almost all Italian universities as well as CNR, FBK and IIT.

AI and education (29/5 at 2 pm)

For those interested in the topic of artificial intelligence in the educational sector, we point out the workshop “AI and education” (May 29 at 2 pm). The meeting will be an open space for discussion, designed to promote collaboration among researchers in the AI and education sectors, and the players in the world of education (teachers, students, managers, families). The aim is also to raise awareness among the educational community on the opportunities and consequences of application of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning processes.

Among the speakers of this workshop also the INDIRE researcher Jessica Niewint-Gori with the intervention A snapshot of the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in education on the contribution that the integration of AI in teaching can offer to students and educators, for example in developing more personalized and efficient lesson plans. The researcher’s contribution explores the various ways in which AI can support education, the potential obstacles that may arise and the possible scenarios of AI as a component of educational systems (read her paper and her presentation).


For information: info@ital-ia2023.it


Thematic workshop programme for 29 and 30 May >>

Plenary conference on May 31st >>


A snapshot of the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in education (J. Niewint-Gori): Paper & Presentation