On Thursday 22 June, INDIRE was among the protagonists of the Conference “Overcoming the skills mismatch for employment and competitiveness through lifelong learning“, in the Parliamentary Groups Hall of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome.
The Indire President, Cristina Grieco, intervened emphasizing the importance of training throughout the professional life of the individual. The president also reiterated the need to implement concrete actions that can enhance the acquisition of transversal skills and soft skills of young people, especially in higher technical institutes (ITSs).
The correlation between skills qualification and sustainable growth is undeniable: skilled workers obtain better job opportunities and active participation in society. The imbalance between labour supply and demand is an endogenous problem that weakens the development of the country system, since the gap between the skills required by companies and those possessed by the labour market is misaligned. For this reason, it is increasingly necessary and urgent to put in place a new model of intersection between labour supply and demand that favours full employment and the impetus and development of Italian competitiveness.
After the institutional greetings of Lorenzo Fontana, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Valentina Aprea, expert on training and employment policies, introduced the work. Speakers included: Marina Elvira Calderone, Minister of Labour and Social Policies; Adolfo Urso, Minister of Business and Made in Italy; Claudio Durigon, Undersecretary Minister of Labour and Social Policies; Renato Brunetta, President of Cnel; Ilaria Cavo, Vice President of the Productive Activities Commission; Tiziana Nisini, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies Labour Commission; Roberto Ricci, Invalsi President; Luigi Sbarra, Cisl General Secretary; Francesco Paolo Capone, Secretary General of Ugl; Massimo Bruno, Corporate Affairs Chief of Italian Railways; Guido Stratta, Head of People and Organization of the Enel Group; Pino Mercuri, HR & Change Management Director Intrum; Guido Torrielli, President of Its Italy; Francesco Baroni, President of Assolavoro; Nicola Patrizi; president of Federterziario; Egidio Sangue, Vice President of FondItalia; Gabriele Fava, Alitalia Commissioner; Francesco Provenzano, President of Unieida.
The conclusions were entrusted to Carlo Barberis, President of Expo Training.