History of Education Dossier
Dossier Series from the Indire historical archive
The History of Education Dossier series aims to enhance the dissemination of the research results of Indire’s “Enhancement of the historical heritage” structure and at the same time to give ever greater visibility to the Indire historical archive within the scientific community.
The editorial project takes the form of individual thematic in-depth dossiers, published online, aimed at providing a tool that allows to restore the value of scientific in-depth analysis and at the same time acts as an agile study and consultation support. The set of dossiers will convey the breadth of the research themes represented by the documents preserved in the Indire historical archive and by the related studies which, in addition to the historical-scientific in-depth analysis of the heritage itself, aim to offer ideas for its use in an educational context in support of the world of school. Precisely for this reason, the Series is structured into two series, corresponding to the two main research directions of the Structure:
- History. The first series will enhance the rich and often rare Indire collections by offering both reviews and in-depth analyses and interpretative studies.
- Studies and tools. The second series will focus on the use of historical sources in teaching, offering the school community examples of activities and methodologies for using the historical-educational heritage.
Info e contatti
INDIRE, via M. Buonarroti 10 - 50122 Firenze
Telefono: 055.2380301
Email: archiviostorico@indire.it
Visite su appuntamento: dal lunedì al venerdì ore 8.00-13.00 ; 14.00–17.00