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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


27 giugno 2019

Indire’s research in Milan for a two-day reflection on school architecture

On Tuesday 2 July from 10 to 4.30 pm in the conference hall of Civico Polo Scolastico “A. Manzoni” in Milan (via G. Deledda 11), is scheduled a one-day seminar addressed to school leaders of the state school districts of the Lombardy region capital on the theme of school environment innovation.

The initiative, titled “Spaces and school furniture: innovation and educational challenges”, is part of the activities foreseen by the memorandum of understanding signed last year between Indire, Milan city council, USR Lombardy and Assodidattica to promote educational research and put into practice, through a common path, the setting up of flexible school environments functional to the most modern didactic models.

Since many years, Indire has offered its scientific contribution: a deep theoretical reflection on innovative school architectures and on the relationship between space and times of learning is accompanied by the knowledge of national and international best practices, the participation in OECD’s Group of National Experts on Effective Learning Environments, the support to social initiatives of educational politics, consultancy for schools and school networks that are willing to undertake a path of innovation on the territory, and the publication of books such as the recent “Fare didattica in spazi flessibili” (Teaching in flexible spaces) published by Giunti.

The 2nd July’s event aims to offer to school leaders of the schools of the first cycle in Milan a chance to reflect on the intentional use of  school environments as integral part of the didactical activity. Indeed, the importance of creating spaces adaptable to a massive use of technology and the implementation of new student-centred didactic models, based on customised learning and key competences development, is evident.

After the institutional greetings the works will be opened by the researchers Samuele Borri and Elena Mosa, since many years engaged in the research on learning environments innovation. To continue, three school leaders are going to show the innovative solutions and the organisational models already experimented in their schools. The seminars will continue with afternoon workshops cured by Leonardo Tosi. The second part of the day will be entirely dedicated to group work where a new concept of school space, stemming out of the Indire researchers’ activity, the 1+4 educational space manifesto, will be discussed in more detail. This new concept of school stops to consider it as an aggregation of rooms to make it a place to learn and an environment that impacts the quality of social relationships. The seminar will conclude with a plenary session on the reflections emerged during the group work and a final questionnaire submission.

Participation is free for all school leaders of Milan’s state schools.


The programme of the seminar >>


To know more about Indire’s research on this theme: